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Building a personal Brand part 1

I'm Humbled and highly appreciative of the opportunity I had to speak at SIGMA Conference, which is the biggest gaming conference in Europe. this is the third conferences I will be speaking at this year. I can not lie, it wrapped up a very difficult and fun year for me. And the year is not over yet!

I just hope in One way or the other my story is motivating a lot of young guys out there not to be afraid to give up good for better. And to never compromise on their life goals or dreams.

As Many of you know, I spent most of my time talking hardwork, persistence, humility, self-awareness and this has helped me to build a personal brand that is very strong in the Nigerian Gaming scene. I think what has really help me to get to where I am is that im actually aware of my strength and likewise my vulnerability. I embrace my problem and keep moving forward no matter the condition or setback I have or going through.

The Most Important thing people don't talk a lot in Nigeria is personal Brand. Your personal brand is your reputation. And your reputation in perpetuity is the foundation of your career.

Image result for personal branding

No matter who you are, what you do. Doesn't even matter if you are a student, Everyone needs to build a personal brand.

Do not get tricked though, because personal Brand is a long time plan.

A lot of people don’t understand that playing the long-term game and building your reputation always plays out positively.

That is also not the only issue, the other issue is people see others getting ahead in the short term at the expense of their long-term personal brand.  You see your friends making money through an illegal shortcut and you aspire to be like them not knowing that they are only going to win in the short term because they don't have a reputation to fall back on in the long run.

 Instead of being patient, Many people go for the quick sales. They keep trying to convert customers on the first interaction. People do that a lot of every day on Facebook, on Instagram and recently it's getting annoying on Linkedin. They try to extract money, instead of creating an experience.

A personal brand is how someone feels in the moment when they interact with you or your business. We all have emotions you feel in reaction to names like “Coca-cola”, “Dangote”, or “Gtbank.”

 Whether good or bad, you have a reaction. When you hear my name, you probably get a feeling too (which I hope is positive). For example, if you had to put into words — I hope you’d say “Adekunle Adeniji, the guy who gave more than asked”, or something along those lines. I want you to think of me as someone who gave massive amounts of value. The best companies in the world don’t sell. They brand. For example, Apple never tries to “convert”  you into buying an iPhone. Instead, they paint a picture of the “iPhone experience.” They focus on branding. I do the same. Not saying you should never sell. But personal branding is a disproportionately valuable factor that most people just don’t focus on. In my next blog, I will share some light on how you can build a personal brand.

Wishing you all the best!


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